Sweet Annas
Cats for Christ Women's Bible Study

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Here is our most recent devo for our women's study:

Individual Lament – Jen (13, 22, 88)
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 64, 69, 70, 71, 77, 86, 88, 89, 120, 139, 141, 142
Psalms of lamentation or complaint cry out for help in a situation of distress or frustration. Psalmists protest their innocence or confess their sins. They vow to praise God and give thanks for deliverance. Such psalms show prayer as an honest communication with God in life's worst situations.
1. Introductory Cry to God
a. Address
b. Cry for Help
2. Lament
a. Foes
b. I
c. Thou
3. Confession of Trust
4. Petition
a. Hear!
b. Save!
c. Punish!
d. Because. . .
5. Conclusion
a. Vow of praise or expression of praise (even Lament psalms were prayers of great confidence in the Lord which often turned to praise before the answers actually came – Ps.57).
b. Assurance, Trust/Praise “heard”

1. When you were a child, how did you respond to situations of stress or frustration? How did people-parents-guardians respond?
2. There are more lament psalms than any other kind.
3. Read Psalm 142 (David in the Cave).
4. What do you think of-what is your first response to hearing this psalm? (this type of psalm)
5. What movements do you see within this psalm? (Talk about the different movements.-format of this psalm.)
6. Most of the psalms of lament are nonspecific about the cause of the lament. Why do you think it is this way? How do you lament?
7. Read Psalm 22. What is your response? This is the psalm that Jesus was quoting when he died.
8. Read Psalm 88. What do you notice different here? This psalm (which is similar to Job) does not end in hope. Why is it included here?
9. What kind of songs do we most often sing when we come together as Christians? What kinds dominate our songbooks? Where do you hear songs of lament? What kind of genres? (There is great value in all types of psalms, this is not a knock of the kinds that we do have – or that we should only have songs of lament – rather all should have a voice.
10. What is the value of this kind of psalm?
11. When we are in a difficult situation, do we talk differently to people around us than how we pray?
12. Ends in a vow or expression of praise ‡ (respond. . . how-why-importance). We are moved from complaint to an expression of trust to praise.
10:51 PM :: 0 comments ::

Jen :: permalink

This Week!

Sunday, February 13, 2005
This week we will be at the church at 7:30 for our intergenerational bible study. We are looking at Psalms of lament this week. See you there.

2:42 PM :: 0 comments ::

Jen :: permalink

No Sweet Annas Tonight

Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Enjoy the evening warm in your home and not cold in the snow. We'll resume next week at the church in an intergenerational Bible Study.
1:42 PM :: 0 comments ::

Jen :: permalink

Joanna's email

Saturday, February 05, 2005
Hey Ladies!
This Tuesday we will being doing e-mails (encouragement mail) for our
time after the Bible study. There are a couple of things to do for
this. 1) could someone bring paper to write the e-mails on. (can be
construction paper cut up into smaller pieces) 2) we will need bags to
put the e-mail in. 3) Be thinking of what encouraging things you want
to write to everyone so you will have a head start for Tuesday! If y9ou
can bring either the paper or the bags, let me know! I look forward to
see you all there Tuesday! (7:30 @ the campus center)


Also, would someone want to bring treats for after wards, I know they
were appreciated last week (thanks Bonnie and Lacey).

Lastly, we will be looking at Enthronement Psalms this Tuesday. Some
examples are Psalm 47, 93, 96, and 98.
5:06 PM :: 0 comments ::

Jen :: permalink

Songs of Zion

Songs of Zion
46, 48, 76, 84, 87, 122, 132
These songs praise God by reflecting on the city of God itself, a place of his dwelling and worship.
God dwells in the city of Zion. He lived and walked among his people. He was able to protect and lead them.
Here he is worshiped.

1. What was one of your favorite places as a child? Somewhere you felt safe? Enjoyed? Great memories? ...and why?
2. Real Psalm 46 (NLT). Read Psalm 48 (MSG).
3. What are your first reactions to either of these two psalms?
4. Can you think of any songs that we sing that have language like this?
5. When you hear "Zion what do you think?
6. What is the importance of Zion to the community? What is the significance of God being here?
7. What are the implications of God being among them?
8. What are the implications to other nations? What are the reactions of other nations?
9. Today how does God dwell among us?
10. Where has he made his dwelling place?
11. What is the significance of this? Importance? How does it impact us?
12. Read Psalm 46:10 (Word on the Street)
5:00 PM :: 0 comments ::

Jen :: permalink

I have created this site to keep up with Sweet Annas and any upcoming events or studies. I have posted the information on the right about upcoming studies. I will also post some of the previous study questions here periodically. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
4:57 PM :: 0 comments ::

Jen :: permalink